What happened on November 27th?

Heroes update, Episode: Six Months Ago. Arrgh! .. Love it, hate it, you can't leave it alone. Back to the basement last night for me, wife didn't want to watch the show. It was a okay episode, it gave a lot better back history on the characters, how Sylar was created, how the Petrelli family started crumbling, and how the Bennets handled the introduction of powers, but it still left a lot of unanswered questions.
A) Hiro had six extra months to work on his powers (he went back in time to save Charlie) why hasn't his control of the powers improved? When he stopped time on the subway to pass the warning onto Peter, he seemed to have control of his powers, why could he not control his time/location destination after six months, I presume he had a lot of practice. I understand that you can not change the past, what has happened needs to happen or otherwise you change yourself. Its that old sci-fi theory of a person becoming their own parent. (sideline .. this reminds me of a story where a woman who grew up in an orphange becomes pregnant by a casual encounter, has the baby puts it in an orphanage, gets a sex change, the "new" man is recruited by a time traveling organization, has a casual encounter with a woman in the past, making her pregnant, there by becoming his own mother and father. I can't remember who wrote the short story, but it was pretty good.) Anyway back to Hiro, lets just say I was disappointed.
B) Sylar, why did they have to make him such a wimp, that really disappointed me. I had thought he would be a more powerful character, a redneck, someone who looked like a hero or a criminal. He just came across as a weak pathetic person. His power is really cool, the ability to see how something (a clock/human) was damaged and to fix it. I was right that he steals others power, he looked into the the sub character with Telekinesis, killed him with the quartz and then I presume by looking at the dead guys brain Sylar then can alter his own brain to incorporate that flaw/mutation/power into his own brain .. there by gaining the power to move things...very kewl. I understand the he needed to be a flawed character, with visions of grandeur, wanting to be superior to everyone else, I just wish they hadn't taken the easy path of creating his past history.
C) Eden, the Haitian and Mr. Bennet. Very cool power for Eden, that is going to be a really good story line in the future. Why does the Haitian seem to have multiple powers, he can dampen the power of the Hero he is close to (i.e., Eden trying to use her power on Bennet) but he is also able to erase the memory/personality of people (i.e. Matt and the football player that tried to rape Claire.) I need a better past history on him. No more information on Mr. Bennet's organization, though not smart on Chandra Sureshs part to give him and Sylar access to the map of Heroes. Can't wait for more info on Mr. Bennets secret organization, he seems to have a lot of power and money behind him. What's up? We will just have to watch more shows to find out. It looks like next weeks episode is the last one before the Christmas break, you'll have to let me know what happened as I am off to the Who that night.
Louie Louie the Kingsmen recorded in 1963, written by Richard Berry in 1955.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
A fine girl, who waited for me.
I catch a ship across the sea.
I sailed the ship all alone.
I wondered when Im gonna make it home.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Three nights and days I sailed the sea.
I think of the girl constantly.
On the ship, I dream she there.
I smell the rose thats in her hair.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
I see jamaican moon above.
See the girl Im thinking of.
I take her in my arms and then
Say Ill never leave again.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Louie louie, oh baby, I gotta go.
Oh, I gotta go now.
Uh-huh I gotta go.