Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April 12th.

Well I have not posted, I mean really posted not just playing a meme or post a online quiz for a fair while.

Things have been going up and down since December. I fought for and got an outside commission based sale rep position for my company and when the guy I replaced is asked to come back by the owner, I get to go back to my old job with a thank you and a cheque. At least I wasn't fired. I think its time to look for a new job.

Eldest is once again being bullied, has been since October/November .. Grades going down, excluding himself from everything .. we just could not get him to open up to us. We finally got him talking. We've put a stop to it, talked to the principal of his school, talked to our doctor, the boys (grade 9 students who don't even know him) were caught on security camera hitting Eldest on the back of the leg with a tennis racket. He just won't fight back. He became so with drawn it was scary, he no longer wants to TaiKwonDo, he is going to quit hockey, he doesn't even want to go any further with his swimming. At least he has found a "girlfriend". He has opened up more since he started seeing her, they talk on the phone every few nights. They've gone out on a few dates. He wants to take to a concert in May. So things seem to be improving. I've talked him into getting his bronze cross, I used an example of what you get paid at McDonalds or what a Life Guard can make. He will be taking the course this summer. Eldest got on the schools under 14 field Lacrosse team, this seemed to boost his ego a fair bit to.

Middle is middle, 11 years old turning 20 .. getting very tired of her starting her projects at the last minute and either wife or I having to spend hours the night before its due helping her get the project done. She wants to go out for girls rep hockey tryouts next week. I will let you how she does. She had a awesome game on Championship day, her team was in the consolation game, it was a goalies match up, 6/6 tie by the end of the third .. they went to a shoot out. 5 shooters for each team. Once again, goalies match up, each one stopped every shot, until that last two shooters. Both players were one and two for the season in goals. Middles team member was #1 for the season in points. Other team scored on Middle, Middles team rang off the net. Great game.

Youngest is youngest, what can I saw. She is a joy.